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Continuing Professional Development


1. Конструктор уроків. Всеосвіта
2. Busy teacher (worksheets, articles, posters, books, writing prompts, ice-breakers, flashcards, colouring pages).
3. Cambridge English. org  (exams, professional development, resources).
4. (worksheets, exercises, workbooks, songbooks, stories, activities, etc.).
5. English is a Piece of Cake (lesson plans, TEFL preparation, methodological materials).
6. Using (a large collection of tools & resources for teachers and academics, covering the full spectrum of ESL, EFL, ESOL, and EAP subject areas).
7. English Tag (tests, resources for teachers).
8. ESL Brains (video-based lesson plans).
9. ESL Games (games, topics, worksheets, videos etc.).
10. ESL Toolkit (games and reading activities).
11. Film English (bank of short film lesson plans, feature-length film viewing guides and other teaching resources).
12. Inventory of ICT tools and open educational resources (resource constructor).
13. IXL (teaching tools, articles, professional development). 
14. Kidmunicate (resources for teaching children with speech and sound disorders). 
15. Kids Learning Ville (worksheets, games).
16. Learn English Kids (videos, games, songs, short stories).
17. Lesson Plan Digger (articles and resources on lesson planning, a possibility to post online lessons).
18. Lesson Planet (professional development articles, lesson planning articles, curriculum manager).
19. Live Worksheets (interactive worksheets, interactive worksheet/workbook constructor).
20. Ororo TV (videos with subtitles).
21. Read Write Think (lesson plans, printouts, interactive tools, professional development).
22. Share My Lesson (lesson plans and professional development).
23. Teachers Pay Teachers (various resources for school children designed by teachers). 
24. Teaching English. British Council (teaching resources, professional development).
25. TED Ed (articles, paid masterclasses).
26. TED Ideas Worth Spreading (a collection of videos).
27. TSL Collective (worksheets, powerpoints, video lessons, lesson constructors, teaching jobs).
28. Accredited Online TESOL Certification (TESOL and TESL courses for teachers)
1. Anglomania (online lessons).
2. Babbel (paid language learning courses).
3. Babeleo (text and audio of books).
4. Brainy English (courses, exam preparation). 
5. Cambridge English. org (English tests, games, exam preparation and free learning activities).
6. Chatter Pack (books, articles and glossary on teaching SEND children).
7. Complete English Club (online conversations)
8. Duolingo (electronic platform for language learning).
9. (learning abroad).
10. English Club (different sorts of resources)
11. English Dom (lessons by Skype).
12. English is a Piece of Cake (reading and listening exercises, vocabulary lists).
13. English Tag (tests, resources for teachers).
14. English with Lucy (English teaching vlog)
15. Engoo (individual online lessons).
16. ESL Games (games, topics, worksheets, videos etc.).
17. ESL Toolkit (games and reading activities).
18. Fun Easy English (different sorts of resources)
19. Future Learn (online courses and degrees).
20. Games to learn English
21. IELTS. British Council (information about the test).
22. Kids Learning Ville (phonics, vocabulary, games).
23. Learn English. British Council (various resources). 
24. Learn English Kids (various resources for learning English).
25. Learn English Teens (various resources for learning English).
26. (video-, audio-resources, cartoons with subtitles).
27. Lingua Leo (language learning platform).
28. (language learning platform).
29. Live Mocha (language learning platform).
30. Live Worksheets (interactive worksheets, interactive worksheet/workbook constructor).
31. Memrise (a learning application).
32. Ororo TV (videos with subtitles).
33. Pimsleur (language learning courses).
34. Prometheus (online courses).
35. Rype (private paid online lessons with native speakers).
36. Tandem (app for tandem learning).
37. TED Ed (a collection of videos).
38. TED Ideas Worth Spreading (a collection of videos).
39. Test English (exam preparation in grammar, writing, listening, reading, use of English). 
40. Using (a large collection of tools & resources for students, covering the full spectrum of ESL, EFL, ESOL, and EAP subject areas).
41. Verbling (private lessons with native speakers).
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